Così nasce da appartenenza e vera passione l’allevamento “della Ruralis Gens” di Paolo Cuius, dopo i primi circa 20 anni di costante lavoro, mirante ad individuare la compatibilità genetica dei soggetti adoperati in riproduzione, ha avviato una nuova fase del programma zootecnico di selezione. Una volta eliminato con un buon margine di sicurezza i rischi connessi alle principali patologie trasmissibili, vengono utilizzati in riproduzione unicamente soggetti pienamente rientranti nelle caratteristiche tipologiche di razza ed aventi una genealogia prestigiosa e meticolosamente verificata.
Una considerazione di massima a cui si ispira la mia filosofia allevatoriale e, nel darmi alcuni parametri di quello che è la selezione morfo-funzionale sul Cane Corso Italiano. Selezione significa in linea generale scelta degli individui più idonei per il mantenimento e la sopravvivenza della specie in funzione dell’ambiente.

Citare Eraclito come filosofo del divenire, potrebbe esserci utile in quanto, riconoscendo che ogni cosa è soggetta al tempo e al mutamento e, che anche ciò che sembra statico e fermo in realtà è dinamico, in sostanza “la forma dell’essere è il divenire”. Il Cane Corso ideale è immaginario è sempre presente nella volontà interiore di un allevatore, è un obiettivo che deve avere chiaro e ben presente. Due parole significative e imprescindibili presenti nello standard “ potente e distinto” sono per me l’essenza stessa della razza. Il mio cane ideale è l’algoritmo perfetto fatto di elementi normalmente in antitesi tra loro: rusticità e distinzione, potenza e agilità. E’ il connubio più perfetto, più equilibrato e più armonico di questi elementi.

Concludo con la riflessione ma che anche una proiezione sul futuro. Chi si occupa di cinofilia, allevatore, utilizzatore del cane, addestratore, giudice di esposizione, dirigente tecnico ecc., riceverà dalle sue occupazioni, dilettantesche o professionali che siano, la più alta ricompensa morale quando tenga sempre fermo un principio: che occuparsi di cani (cinofilia) e del loro allevamento non è solo un passatempo o un’attività sportiva o commerciale, ma prima di tutto significa accostarsi a un mondo in perenne evoluzione, ad uno sterminato e affascinante campo di studio e di osservazione, che ha storia e tradizione e, che esercita su un animo adatto, le meravigliose attrattive delle scienze che indagano i fenomeni vitali e gli organismi viventi. Da questa intensa riflessione scaturisce la mia prerogativa, in cui al primo posto va posizionata la mera passione disinteressata per la razza e l’attenzione verso l’unico protagonista che rimane il Cane Corso Italiano.
Paolo Cuius

It seems like yesterday, but several years have passed, my first litter was born in 1993, I knew even before the race, I was very young and, precisely in 1978 in the house bought by our return from Basel in Switzerland by my father in Sicily, precisely Grammichele (CT) found living already left by the previous owners as a female dark brindle of cane corso named Giulia. An old man from the place told me , she was, simply an farm dog. I was fascinated by his character, somewhat shy and attentive but at the same time independent and resigned because his bosses' s had abandoned us. It moved very safe indeed knew the environment. took off the chain to which it was tied, and began to live with us, but he stuck to his state frugal and wary, in testimony to belong to archaic times, distant, fruit farming and rural era. This episode of my life, although short because shortly after I moved to Rome, connects me to my passion, what are dogs, horses, birds (v. Wavy v. Parakeets, v. Canaries, v. Parrots , v. owls and hawks, etc..), in short, all the animals.
Thus is born of belonging and passion breeding “Kennel of Ruralis Gens" by Paolo Cuius, after the first 20 years of constant work aimed at identifying the genetic compatibility of the subjects used in reproduction, has launched a new phase of the breeding program of selection. Once eliminated with a good margin of safety risks associated with the main communicable diseases, are used in breeding only those fully covered in the typological characteristics of race and having a prestigious genealogy and meticulously verified.
A consideration of the maximum that inspired my philosophy of breeding and, in giving me some parameters of what is the selection on morpho-functional Italian Cane Corso. Selection means in general the choice of the most suitable individuals for the maintenance and survival of the species as a function of the environment.
So the search to select the most suitable choice of subjects based on the prototype ideal expressed by the breed standard, which should be the description of his ethnic characters in order to guide judges and breeders who are dedicated to the breed itself. I believe that a good breeder is assessed by observation and objective analysis of its products being produced. It is not the person who produces a taxable "peak" perhaps came about by chance, but rather the one who normally good dog breeds medium / high; that is the subject morphologically in type and qualification, whose behavior is balanced as shown in the standard and that are free from genetic abnormalities varied. In my opinion, a good breeder should combine the theoretical aspect in a scientific and practical aspect through the experience gained in the field. Owning only one of the two basic requirements, undermines any effort of selection. We definitely now more certainty about the type of fixation, as I would to utter the phrase "Habemus Cane Corso", but a deep conviction whispers to me that the road ahead is still uphill, not only to give an improvement and consequent settles morphological type, but also to give a specialty aptitude test intended as specific work to the characteristics of the dog, in which the use of past activities to join or face the glue with the use of modern and contemporary Italian Cane Corso.
Quote Heraclitus as a philosopher of becoming, there might be helpful in that, recognizing that everything is subject to time and change, and that even what seems static and dynamic firm in reality and in essence "the form of being is becoming ". The Cane Corso is an ideal imaginary is always present in the inner will of a breeder, is a goal that must be clear and present. Two significant and unavoidable words present in the standard "powerful and distinct" is for me the essence of the breed. My ideal dog is the perfect algorithm that elements normally at odds with each other: rusticity and distinction, power and agility. And the union more perfect, more balanced and harmonious of these items.
Apart from this premise that sounds to my kennel with a "statement of intent", I like to be able to instill this belief in all lover of cane corso, so that we can inspire serenity with the right a bit all. I can argue that times have changed, that our dogs are no longer used for a long time for old habits. Today we breed dogs for modern conditions and then not forgetting the past because they are our roots that lead us to today, but a healthy look ahead without any preconceived notions, while not denying where we come from is a good compromise smart to not get bogged down. For me it is essential to the training and retraining of breeder, but also the standard must be updated to reach the modern dogs that are being created. However, I add with the premises made before, without the loss of that beloved rusticity which in my opinion also the modern dog must possess. Consequently, every race needs to evolve.
I conclude with the reflection but also a projection of the future. Who takes care of the dog world, breeder, dog user, trainer, show judge, technical manager etc.., Receive from his occupations, amateurish or professional they are, the higher moral reward when you always keep a firm principle: that dealing with dogs (cinofilia) and their breeding is not just a hobby or a sport or commercial, but first of all it means to approach a world in constant evolution, with an endless and fascinating field of study and observation, which has history and tradition and, holding out a proper mood, the marvelous attractions of science investigating the phenomena of life and living organisms. From this intense reflection that's my prerogative, which in the first place should be positioned a mere disinterested passion for the breed and the focus on the only main character who remains the Cane Corso Italian.
Paolo Cuius
Se vuoi contattarci, questi sono i nostri riferimenti
For any information please contact us by mails or by handphone
DELLA RURALIS GENS - Selezione Amatoriale del Cane Corso
Via G. Lanfredini Amadori, 30
00061 Anguillara Sabazia (RM)
For any information please contact us by mails or by handphone
DELLA RURALIS GENS - Selezione Amatoriale del Cane Corso
Via G. Lanfredini Amadori, 30
00061 Anguillara Sabazia (RM)